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I have a dream.


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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #30 on: April 11, 2009, 12:34:42 pm »
His name is Cortex :)

I had a dream last nite that me, sonic, and Sally were on Jeopardy! (don't ask why that) and it was down to the final jeopardy,  I had 12,000, Sonic has 8,000, Sally had 13,200. The wagers were: I risked everything (:O) Sonic wagered 7,000. Sally had wagered 10,000. The last question I did not know (I forgot the answer question so, so I wouldn't know how to question it) so Sonic and Sally had wrote answers I believed. So I was pondering and then bing my green chaos emerald activated and then I knew the answer and boom I came out winning. Standings: 24,000, 23,200, 1,000. So I came out from behind in this. but ahead of Sonic. I came to the conclusion each of the 7 emeralds has each there own special powers:
Green: Super Intelligence
Red: Super Strength (affects machinery)
Yellow: Energy Attacks (plus flight ability)
Grey/Silver: Super Senses
Blue: Super Speed (Speedier if you were like Sonic)
Sky Blue: (Low-Oxygen and Under Water breathing)
Magenta: Chaos Control any other thing related
Master Emerald: All 7 abilities for a limited time (refers to S3K when Mecha Sonic goes Super for a short time when he absorbs the Master Emerald)

:D This dream was enjoyable but different.
The Oltanis Team. Is made up of 9 strong and special members.
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #31 on: April 11, 2009, 02:27:31 pm »
I had an epic movie dream last night. A shame I can't remember it :<

I also had another dream a while back, where myself and some others were living in a house, and for some reason it was infested with what would be best described as a cross between scorpions and crabs, with a purple hue, who would lunge at lightning-fast speed across the rooms and jam their pincers into my legs (but only I seemed to come across them). After killing quite a few in self-defense, I found out they were actually the pets of a very emotionally unstable sorceress with strong magical powers who was also living in this house, for some reason, and I was like, "Osh--!!!" While I hid the dead bodies of the creatures in a panicked frenzy and pondered what the sorceress would do to me if she found any of the dead ones, I woke up.
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #32 on: April 11, 2009, 08:31:57 pm »
We just had an unusually long convo on this topic in IRC, drawing in talk from Zeupar, SJ, and a PM asking about it from Werey, so I figured I'd make a post regarding lucid dreaming and donna's elation instead of trying to detail it while fielding questions by three or four different people and hearing all of their own dreams. :P It's more interesting to chat about this actively with other people, so forgive me if I sound like an encyclopedia entry here.

What and Why

As donna said, lucid dreaming is, in its simplest form, the knowledge that you're dreaming while you're still in the dream. Dream control is exerting will over the dream in some form, whether lucid or otherwise. Of course, when people talk about lucid dreaming, they tend to talk about knowing they are dreaming with at least a will to *want* control. This happens to some people naturally, e.g. Werey PM'd me saying that he's almost always known he was dreaming but had no control. Other people have to work at it, e.g. donna and I.

The first question on most people's mind at this point is "why would I care to do this?" I'll fall on donna's examples first. Her first lucid dream started as a nightmare, and upon knowing she was a nightmare, she made things seem a lot more enjoyable (in her own way, of course). Her second was purely for her enjoyment. Other people claim that lucidity can lead to spiritual enlightenment, although that's not my belief and your mileage may vary with that reasoning. The primary reason people aim to do it is for enjoyment. You can bet that this post is going to focus on this aspect of it, particularly in ways that you can't do in real life -- TSC is not The Spiritual Center, so if you're not reading this for the sake of doing crazy things in your head with no consequences, read up on this somewhere else.

If a dream's completely influenced by your thoughts, memories, desires, etc., why shouldn't you be able to mold it into what you want from it? As said before, maybe there's something you do in real life that you find fun, but this post is going to focus on the things you can't do except for in a dream. In donna's dream, she went to Green Hill 1 and started zipping through the landscape. RPG once told me that in a dream he "went Super, Hyper, and a form beyond that". Not that this is limited to Sonic-related things, mind you, but that's what these two were interested in. I personally learned about lucid dreaming after reading a topic about it on a NiGHTS message board, and consequently whenever I realize I'm in a dream I start hovering just off the ground without intending to.


Enough about "why", let's move to "how". If you're not a natural like Werey, then by the definition of lucid dreaming, you'd have to somehow train your unconscious to become somewhat conscious on cue, right? Yeah, sounds tough for me too. >_> In lieu of that, I'd recommend simply keeping the concept on your mind as often as possible. If something feels off during the day, do a quick check to see if it's real, e.g. do you have to breathe. If you don't feel funny or out of breath trying to breathe with a pinched nose, you're dreaming. Wholly want the check to fail: if you go into it expecting to struggle breathing, the same would happen if you tried it in a dream. A more discreet way to do this if you're around people is to see if you can bite your tongue (be careful! :P).

If you're on the computer a lot, there's a program out there called Subliminal blaster, which you can customize to flash messages of your choice onto your screen for one or two frames at a time, then disappear, and reappear a few seconds later. I'm not saying subliminal messages work. What I'm saying is that if you catch a glimpse of one of these messages, your brain'll have a quick thought along the lines of "oh, that's the program I had running to remind me about lucid dreaming". That should keep it on your mind anytime you're on the Internet, IRC, etc.

Waking up after five or so hours of sleep, then going back to sleep with the intention of recognizing the next thing you see as a dream is a popular way. A very difficult yet rewarding way is to wake up after five or so hours, then lay still in bed as the body goes to sleep (see Chao_Fan's post on sleep paralysis sans the creepiness) and repeatedly think about lucidity, keeping your thoughts active as the rest of the mind and the body go to sleep. Keeping just this one part of the brain on takes a lot of practice, because thinking too hard'll keep you awake, and too little will see you fall unconscious. I haven't gotten this one to work for me yet, but since you go in conscious, this also gives you the most time in the dream to exert your will.

Understand that even after doing this, lucidity doesn't happen almost every time. I've been lucid in spurts of three times in three days, and have had periods of only once a month. Also, if you're not remembering your dreams (and *everybody* dreams almost every night, so don't say you don't dream), you're wasting your time learning this before starting to remember what you already have. A person's short-term memory lasts about 20 seconds. Set your alarm ten minutes earlier than usual so that you can spend a short while dwelling on what you just dreamt, or even write it down if you want to keep a log. If you notice you're having recurring things in your dreams, consider doing the breathing test any time you see that thing in reality or in a dream.

Taking control

Okay, so let's say that reading this post had you thinking about lucidity as you went to bed, and lo and behold you realize you're dreaming tonight. Let's touch on a few possible scenarios. The most common is "OhHolyShitItWorkedNowWhatShouldIDoICanDoAnythingRightAndWowThisPlaceLooksSoRealAnd..." and then you're awake in bed. Keep your cool, don't get too excited lest you wake up. Go in with a plan as to what you might do -- not that there's anything wrong with taking in the scenery, mind you :P. If things start to fade, common practice is to rub your hands together or to spin around -- studies have shown that stimulating dream "senses" like sight and touch helps to keep you anchored in a dream longer than just walking where you want to go and having the only sensory change being the small change in appearance of things due to perspective as you get closer or farther away.

Oftentimes it's tough to just "will" something to happen. If that fails, know (not expect, KNOW) that what you want is just around the corner, or on the other side of a door, or maybe you've had it in your pocket the whole time. Personally, I've walked out of doors into more suitable landscapes for what I want to do many times. Trying to be a "god" and making your will be done doesn't always work. I operate on the opposite principle: dream characters know more than I do and that if I struggle doing something, I can always ask them how. One crazy personal example: an old task posted on a lucidity forum involved, among other things, growing. I struggled trying to will it to happen, but the dream was on my college campus, so I asked a dream character for help. I was given the absurd solution to grab my hair and yank it straight up to stretch (width and depth be damned!). Months later, I remembered that silly dream and tried that for shits and giggles, and it still works. :P

And Now For Something Completely Random

If you don't have any ideas on what do do in a lucid dream (and if you don't have any fantasies you'd wanna play around with, you're a pretty sad person), why not come to the TSC Convention of Your Mind? Meet other TSCers, and fuck time attacking in front of a TV Screen when you can TA Duel in first person or lay the smackdown on a few bosses in the name of TSC. Planned activities include:

1. Partake in a live action TA Duel in Green Hill 1. (yes I know donna did this alone  already, but eh)
2. Alert other TSCers that this is all a dream and that they can all do whatever they want.
3. Shoot Dhaos. Suck blood from the wound to gain awesome TAing skills.
4. Swap hands with Sondow.
5. See what kind of furry PPA is. Optionally, get injected with the furry virus.
6. See if mike is as tall as they say. 8'? 10'? 20'? Taller?
7. Join SkyLights in prayer and receive a blessing from Tikal. Is it a blessing of bliss? Enlightenment? Some special power? Orange soda?
8. Obtain a Banhammer, hold it to the sky, and shout "I HAVE THE POWER!".
9. Get bit by Werey and become a were-something.
10. After doing 9, follow this up by inflicting this fate on the rest of TSC.
11. know what, at this point you should have your own damned ideas.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2009, 03:11:57 pm by SonicBC »
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

Offline Maru Kiba

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #33 on: April 11, 2009, 08:56:03 pm »
Hey I can do all of those myself. I can plan my dreams before I go to sleep :o

It might be fun, exciting (Shooting Dhaos and take him down to 451th of the Overall Rankings and put some unlikely person in first. (Say Sonicandamy or PPA)
The Oltanis Team. Is made up of 9 strong and special members.
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #34 on: April 11, 2009, 09:00:59 pm »
^ Just planning them before you go to sleep is controlling them, but it's not lucidity. Sure, you're doing something you want to do, but with what you're doing, you don't have control of yourself while you're doing it. The difference between doing something in a dream based on whatever random thought your brain throws at you, and deciding how to get from A to B is night and day.
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #35 on: April 12, 2009, 05:12:07 am »
Heh sorry about last night thorn, i fell asleep. You missed out on getting al the cake in  the world for me :D :D. And wow what an interesting explanation :o

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #36 on: April 12, 2009, 08:19:05 am »
I found my way into lucid dreaming, interestingly enough.

Rather, it's a way for me to actually execute one of the methods you spoke of.  I cannot fall asleep if there's a TV on, or if there's music playing, or if I'm laying on my back... but my body seems to fall asleep if there's no direct input (something reacting to what I'm doing).  I can't watch movies by myself, and when I do watch movies, I very much talk to those around me (Never take me to a theater >_>)

The upshot of all this is that my mind won't stop working, but my body will indeed fall asleep (kinda like daydreaming, but it's harder to wake up in it).  I have a handful of songs that I listen to w/ low volume, and I used to use them to sleep when I was angry or sad, because they act as personal mood-stabilizers...

ATC - Around the World
Nightcore - Take Me

next up, I'm going to try things in similar veins... namely, Nightcore - Look At Me Now and OCR - Robotnik's Trippin on Ecstasy

Also interesting is what happens if the music is turned off: My body awakens, full-start, but my mind seems to go "numb", and for about 5-10 minutes, while I come to terms with the differences between my dream and reality, I'm kinda frozen, so says my ex-gf
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Offline Maru Kiba

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #37 on: April 12, 2009, 11:38:11 am »

1. Partake in a live action TA Duel in Green Hill 1. (yes I know donna did this alone  already, but eh)
2. Alert other TSCers that this is all a dream and that they can all do whatever they want.
3. Shoot Dhaos. Suck blood from the wound to gain awesome TAing skills.
4. Swap hands with Sondow.
5. See what kind of furry PPA is. Optionally, get injected with the furry virus.
6. See if mike is as tall as they say. 8'? 10'? 20'? Taller?
7. Join SkyLights in prayer and receive a blessing from Tikal. Is it a blessing of bliss? Enlightenment? Some special power? Orange soda?
8. Obtain a Banhammer, hold it to the sky, and shout "I HAVE THE POWER!".
9. Get bit by Werey and become a were-something.
10. After doing 9, follow this up by inflicting this fate on the rest of TSC.
11. know what, at this point you should have your own damned ideas.
Me and Werey were dueling on GH. And we made it possible to put a race option in the game for 2-players. I end up winning with 0:27, and Werey ended up with 0:29. (Ahh too bad Werey)
I did not alert the TSC members that this was a dream and let them find out themselves (I'm sure TSC has imaginations)
50 members shot Dhaos with Hot Coffee, Hot Cheese, Volcano Sauce, Jalapeno Sauce, Semi-Automatics, Gatling Gun, Stubby Shotguns, Pythons (Heavy Pistol, powerful for one-shot kills), Heavy Lobster attacked him as well (We were like WHO INVITED THE LOBSTER?). Here's ur 50 that shot him in order: (Pidgey is not one of the 50 because he got himself kicked out of the party the minute he came in! (He kissed flyby!!!! (and not on the cheeks or anywhere else, but the lips (sorry flyby) Rolken banhammered him and the rest you should figure out))
1. Rolken, 2: flyby, 3: Groudon199, 4: Nightmuse, 5: Eis The Dragon, 6: SadisticMystic 7: Taillow/Quartz, 8: Werey, 9: Darkspinessonic, 10: Thorn, 11: Kitsune, 12: Aitamen, 13: Alondite, 14: Cybrax (I found him), 15: PPA, 16: Douglas, 17: RPG (If PPA was coming, he had to bring RPG), 18: Cruizer, 19: SJ, 20: Spinballwizard, 21: magnum, 22: ieatatsonic, 23: DaleG, 24: SkyL, 25: yoshifan, 26: Nintendan, 27: Zeupar, 28: fuzzerd, 29: mike89, 30: GS, 31: eredani, 32: CodeGirl, 33: Crowbar, 34: Jaiku, 35: bertin, 36: eggFL, 37: ParaGod, 38: sonicandamy (Somehow he got invited), 39: Rick 242, 40: Blueblaze, 41: Judgement, 42: son1cgu1tar, 43: Jawz, 44: Paraxade, 45: Foxboy, 46: Koshibou, 47: OmegaDJ, 48: RR, 49: frankoredstrato, 50: (The last to shoot him was and is) (Drumroll plz) SonicAD! 51: Pidgey (He was peepin' through the window and shot through the window at him and then Pidgey got shot by HCC)

I saw wat kind of furry PPA is I saw him go on Fur Affinity on a laptop. (Btw, I see him on FA a few times for real) I didn't get infected although somehow GS and CodeGirl did. 3 people did SkyL's jump for Tikal. She disapproved 2. Approved one. and he flew. 1: SkyL, 2: PPA, 3: Jawzun. PPA flew. I took Rolken's banhammer and wanted to smack Sonicandamy. Gladly 3 people joined in. We put him hand tied on the see saw and I shot his ankle so he couldn't escape. We pounded the other end. He flew up pretty high and no one saw where he landed. I think he is still floating in space. (Takes out telescope) Yeah he is up in orbit about to get ban-satellited and he gets knocked down to earth and fell into Mt. Fuji.

ONly 2 people got wered: Some of us were infected but we could control it. the 2 unluckies: WereTaillow, WereTaco (RPG if you eat him now, you get infected)

We held this at flyby's secret hotel that she never told Rolken about, And it was in the town but hidden by a holographic camouflage walls. And that was it before I went to another dream.
The Oltanis Team. Is made up of 9 strong and special members.
Leader (Gold-Black): Tanor Zeta Faux
Sub-Leader (Crimson): Maru Akane Kiba
Gold General (Yellow): Tana Iota Faux
Silver General (Purple): Kota Aura Rae
Bronze General (Ice Blue): Eis Sam Makai
Squad Leader (Dark Blue): Salza H. Refurin
Castle Guardian (White): Nathan S. Graves
Rune Mistress (Lavender): Forsha Timbre
Storm Dragon (Dark Grey): Helios Darkus Kiba

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #38 on: April 12, 2009, 04:40:49 pm »
(Btw, I see him on FA a few times for real)


also I was going to post my dream I had this morning, but now I can't even remember what it was. 
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #39 on: April 12, 2009, 05:51:12 pm »
WTF @ Nightmuse.

How in God's name does one remember all 10 things I jokingly suggested, let alone do them all in one dream? Like, that'd be spending two minutes doing one thing, getting bored with it, moving on to the next thing, immediately getting bored with that...

Also I seriously doubt you were able to recall 50 TSCer's names at the time. >_>

Granted, this is your head and not mine, but... yeah.

EDIT: To clarify here, I'm not saying you have a very impressive brain. I'm saying you're a lying, attention-craving jerkoff and any attempt at humor you were making in your post fell flat.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2009, 06:41:44 pm by Thorn »
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

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Annotations on Thorn's Guide
« Reply #40 on: April 12, 2009, 05:52:30 pm »
I have a few notes on Thorn's guide.

This happens to some people naturally, e.g. Werey PM'd me saying that he's almost always known he was dreaming but had no control. Other people have to work at it, e.g. donna and I.

My first lucid dream happened spontaneously, but I was so vexed at myself for waking up when I had become a werewolf (lol furry) that I decided to try and take things into my own hands.

Other people claim that lucidity can lead to spiritual enlightenment, although that's not my belief and your mileage may vary with that reasoning.

I am of the school of thought that your dreams reflect your semi-conscious or subconscious makeup--desires, fears, etc. Also, I've noticed that there are degrees of lucidity--sometimes when I'm lucid dreaming I am basically awake, but other times I am still in a sort of limited dream-thought. For example, my middle two lucid dreams, I was completely aware of my dreaming, the limits of what I can do lucid dreaming, and in the case of the dream where I tried to cover myself, the fact that you're paralyzed while dreaming. My first lucid dream and my last one, I was only vaguely aware of my dreaming, and the way I chose my lucid actions was that sort of quick, automatic thought you have in a regular dream.

I mean, Green Hill is not my favorite Sonic level. If I could go into a dream and plan it in advance while fully awake, I'd TA Icecap S3K, White Jungle, or Lethal Highway Dark, just because of the visuals (and lol snowboarding). But Green Hill has symbolic significance for me. It represents the first time I ever wanted to be something, my wish to be Sonic. And my wish to be Sonic is just a reflection of the powerlessness and lack of agency in my life. I chose to drive to GH1 in my dream because I feel especially powerless this week.

A more discreet way to do this if you're around people is to see if you can bite your tongue (be careful! :P).

Another thing I've heard that works is reading. You read text, look away, and see if it says the same thing. Supposedly, if you're dreaming, it won't. I have not been able to verify this and I'm fairly certain that text in my dreams is static, but I am an English major, lol.

My favorite method, which has yet to actually work, is a five senses check. When I"m dreaming, at least one of my senses is dulled or absent. So I go through them in order. Sight, sound, touch, taste, smell. Now you may be thinking, "what if you're not touching/tasting/smelling" anything? But there's the native tension ofy our muscles to feel, the taste of nothing in your mouth, etc. I actually do a left-right check for the touch one. I have trouble telling my left from my right, but I know I'm left-handed, so I focus on my arms and try to feel which one is tenser to tell left from right.

Waking up after five or so hours of sleep, then going back to sleep with the intention of recognizing the next thing you see as a dream is a popular way. A very difficult yet rewarding way is to wake up after five or so hours, then lay still in bed as the body goes to sleep (see Chao_Fan's post on sleep paralysis sans the creepiness) and repeatedly think about lucidity, keeping your thoughts active as the rest of the mind and the body go to sleep. Keeping just this one part of the brain on takes a lot of practice, because thinking too hard'll keep you awake, and too little will see you fall unconscious. I haven't gotten this one to work for me yet, but since you go in conscious, this also gives you the most time in the dream to exert your will.

Time is an important factor, and so is basic cognitive conditioning. In my experience, the best time to lucid dream is when you're at least caught up on your sleep, and sleeping more than ten hours total in a 24 hour period. I think you have to be in good mental condition to "catch" your lucid dreams, and to exert control. Before my sonic dream, I'd slept about 15 hours over two days; my first lucid dream happened during the summer when I was in sixth grade, when I could sleep in as late as I want.

The way I usually catch my lucid dreams is a logical inconsistency. "I'm a werewolf, and these trees look like Dr. Seuss stuff, so I must be dreaming." "I already passed eighth grade, so I must be dreaming." "I already passed Art, so I must be dreaming." "I'm on an unfamiliar highway that should be one I know, and I have no idea why, and I was just in bed, so I must be dreaming."

A person's short-term memory lasts about 20 seconds. Set your alarm ten minutes earlier than usual so that you can spend a short while dwelling on what you just dreamt, or even write it down if you want to keep a log. If you notice you're having recurring things in your dreams, consider doing the breathing test any time you see that thing in reality or in a dream.

I find it's easier to remember the dream if you can tie it into something you've been thinking about, and in fact I had almost forgotten my Sonic dream before I began thinking about league for the day. Since my fictional interest have deem symbolic importance to me, I tend to remember fictional franchise dreams (like running around in GH1, or that time I got kidnapped by Mewtwo) much better.

Keep your cool, don't get too excited lest you wake up. Go in with a plan as to what you might do -- not that there's anything wrong with taking in the scenery, mind you :P. If things start to fade, common practice is to rub your hands together or to spin around -- studies have shown that stimulating dream "senses" like sight and touch helps to keep you anchored in a dream longer than just walking where you want to go and having the only sensory change being the small change in appearance of things due to perspective as you get closer or farther away.

Do not will too hard. The more you wake up the harder it will be to maintain the dream. If you're still semi-asleep, whatever you will will come very naturally. If not, you'll have a bit more control, but don't force it or you will wake up, probably just as whatever you want comes through the door.

Oftentimes it's tough to just "will" something to happen. If that fails, know (not expect, KNOW) that what you want is just around the corner, or on the other side of a door, or maybe you've had it in your pocket the whole time. Personally, I've walked out of doors into more suitable landscapes for what I want to do many times. Trying to be a "god" and making your will be done doesn't always work. I operate on the opposite principle: dream characters know more than I do and that if I struggle doing something, I can always ask them how. One crazy personal example: an old task posted on a lucidity forum involved, among other things, growing. I struggled trying to will it to happen, but the dream was on my college campus, so I asked a dream character for help. I was given the absurd solution to grab my hair and yank it straight up to stretch (width and depth be damned!). Months later, I remembered that silly dream and tried that for shits and giggles, and it still works. :P

A million times this. Stay within the physics and context of the dream. If you are in a room and want something to be there, will it to walk through or be carried through the door. If you want to leave, walk/fly/swim/&c out the door. If you are driving, like I was, drive to your desination, and then get out and do waht you like. Try to reinforce your decision using dream context--like for my example, put Green Hill Zone on the exit sign.

5. See what kind of furry PPA is. Optionally, get injected with the furry virus.
9. Get bit by Werey and become a were-something.
10. After doing 9, follow this up by inflicting this fate on the rest of TSC.

I sometimes dream of being a werewolf. :3
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #41 on: April 12, 2009, 06:03:03 pm »
Heh, I wasn't going for a "guide" so much as just stating what it is, what it encompasses, and how it's usually done. There're WAY more comprehensive guides around the Internet -- Dream Views, Lucidipedia, LD4All... it's just that the communities there have a tendency to get into spiritual things, and I wanted to stick to a straight and narrow "Lucidity is this". But combine my post and donna's and you've got a shitload of information. :P
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #42 on: April 26, 2009, 06:31:00 am »
I lucid dreamt you all into my reality...  With the exception of a few of you who I know what they look like (such as Rolk/Flyby/Donna, offhand), I ended up with your avatar, with a voice attached that matched speech patterns and the like...

I don't remember it all, but I just woke up, so this is as clear as it's getting...

I have a style of lucid dreaming (which immediately alerts me to the fact that I am indeed controlling the dream) which is a "white room" (Tabula Rosa) dream.

I'm sitting on a white cot in a white room, with a little white bedside-table, a small white lamp, and a white door, with a small window near the top.

What happens when I "push" is that the door opens, and whatever I was thinking about happens... if it's an environ, I can move into it, if it's a thing or someone, then it moves in.

I'm most familiar with Mike89, so I decided to try and invite him in.  He showed up, ducked to come into the room, and sat on the floor.

I know he's not, in real life, 11 foot tall... but that's how I saw him.  His voice was something between Italian mafia and Croc Hunter. >_>

I don't remember what we talked about, but I remember feeling very sad, so I dismissed him and sat and pondered my existance for a while. 

I remembered I was dreaming, and that I could do anything, so I thought to continue my experiment, but I didn't know how much "time" I had left, so I decided to summon everyone as a group.

I opened the door and walked into a coffee shop, with all the TSCers I know offhand sitting at tables.  This in itself is comical, because I can only see people as what they are to me...  RPG, for example, was a Guitar-wielding copy of NES Dragonquest.  The other notable non-humes included Spinny (A Walking pinball table), Kitsune (A small fox, with mittens (?)), and Eredani, who was a robot.

I'm sure everyone was very distorted from their normal existence, but those are the only ones I made strong note of.

Oh, and there were people there who I knew were TSCers, because of the law of familiarity, but I couldn't TELL who they were... the only one of these I figured out was that Hitler was PPA.

I tried to hold conversations, but I couldn't focus...  I was becoming tired, I think?

and then I woke up, after I turned around to walk back to my room, the floor disappeared, and I started falling...  I hate falling, so I closed my eyes, stopped falling... and it caused me to wake up.

I wish I could remember more, but there you have it.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2009, 06:46:08 am by Aitamen »
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Re: Annotations on Thorn's Guide
« Reply #43 on: April 26, 2009, 06:45:39 am »
Another thing I've heard that works is reading.

Quote Tuncated for clarity (I read this after my previous post... sorry for double-post, but I kinda want to respond to this on it's own.

Anything that should follow a logic consistency, but that cannot be determined by creational logic (such as reading a newspaper, for example), can be dream-realization.  There are two counter points I want to display, and and anecdote to support.

If I dream, because I cannot create, I can only re-create, the book idea will not work.  If I was to generate a book, it'd be something rendered from my memory, not created out of what I'd want it to say. 

Let's say I wanted to read, say, The Three Musketeers.  I know the book, and it would be consistently inconsistent from the actual book.  I would read the text the way that my brain read the book.  I could look away, look back, and it'll be the same, because of the way I view books.

However, this is a case-based reason. 

Conversely, if I was to attempt to summon a book that did not exist, I would only summon a blank book with said title...  again, I'd be able to look away, look back, and the title would be the same.  This is because of the way in which I view books: Absolute, and concrete.  It's be totally empty, until I started writing it.  I suppose I could write a book in my dream and re-call it later, because of the way my mind works...

so perhaps I could DREAM a dream journal?

This I'll try over the next few nights... I mean, why not?

Also, for my anecdote:

The thing most real to me, in a dream, is time.  There's no "real" time, as I cannot experience the passing of real-world time.  However, There is a "timer" on my dream, which shows how long I can remain asleep.

I can never find this timer.  If I look at a clock, it'll always display as either XX:XX if it's digital, ( HH:HH, which is XX:XX, if it's LCD) or a clock without hands, if it's analog.  Binary clocks (another attempt) simply have a dot that runs the course, then resets to the beginning (really weird, if you've ever seen a binary clock).

Thus, the easiest way for me to "prove" it's a dream is to summon a clock.

Hope this helps someone.
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #44 on: April 26, 2009, 10:49:45 am »
so I remember this one from last night which is a first.

the main focus was a couple of family members and myself in an eating establishment, but it was something I've never seen done before with pancakes.  taking these huge pancakes and using them as wraps for all kinds of condiments and foods.  they had a menu up and I could see some of the options they had.  I was wearing clothes I've yet to purchase (which is a first I actually noticed what I was wearing while dreaming), but I wasn't myself.  as I went to order, I noticed on the opposite side of the eatery (it was divided in half by a wall except for the ordering counter) that classmates from my high school were over desks. 

now this is something that likes to spring up in a couple of my dreams where I either encounter former classmates or am back in high school myself.  I don't want to go back to those though and I have no idea why anything about it likes to show up in my dreams from time to time :(
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 12:48:54 am by Shadow Jacky »
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #45 on: April 26, 2009, 11:41:26 am »
I saw wat kind of furry PPA is I saw him go on Fur Affinity on a laptop. (Btw, I see him on FA a few times for real)

Also the last few nights I actually had dreams again, breaking up the usual nothingness in my sleep. Yesterday (or the day before?) I dreamed I was a girl at a spring and some giant frog licked... errr... Anyway, in the dream it... felt quite good... That same night I also dreamed of a Super Mario Brothers level editor. Note to self: I woke up at about 6:20. IGNORE THIS

I forgot by now what I dreamed last night though.

Hitler was PPA.
Just because I can imitate him quite well in real life does not mean I am him!

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #46 on: April 28, 2009, 04:24:22 pm »

That same night I also dreamed of a Super Mario Brothers level editor.


Anyways, I had a (section of a) dream about...... TSC? I'll get to that later....

This is a 4-parter. The first part was me playing some weird virtual reality RPG/platformer-thingy. I got pretty far, but then my siblings wanted to play. They needed help on the level I just beat. The level I was helping them on was kind-of like a Venice-themed place. There was a cutscene (I could actually say whatever during it) and then everything became dark. There were these cannons that shot giant bowser statues that rolled at us. Then we found a pirate ship that was suspended in the air. After several attempts I was able to climb to the top, take out an enemy that was getting really annoying, and grabbed the item we needed. The boss was about to show up, but then the deream shifted over.
Now I was in a mall with my brother and sister (my brother comes on here sometimes, but never on the forums). There was a weird river flowing through the mall, as if it were flooding. Luckily, we had a magical power to change into an aquatic animal, so my brother became a clam, my sister was a mermaid, and I was a swordfish. We swam ound a little, but my brother was being an idiot and somehow launched me into the sky. We were falling, and I kept falling (BTW, the mall looked like some things in SA and SA2 do when far away) and my brother clutched onto me and dragged me to the far end. I landed on a glowing platform, and then I disappeared and reappeared somewhere else.
It was kind-of like Mad Matrix from StH. I suddenly felt an urge to speedrun it. I speedran it, but since I didn't know where a computer was, I couldn't submit a stat. I suddenly flew up and fell at a deserted gas station. There I saw 3 people, claiming to be SJ, SM, and Jawzun. They weren't really people, they were more like robots. I then looked at myself and saw that I had taken the appearance of Emerl (sonic battle). They gave me a motorcycle and we sped along the deserted road. Somehow, the scenery transitioned back to MM. Before I knew I was motorcycling on the wires. All of us were trying to speedrun it at once, kind of competing/racing. I almost had it. There was one more homing attack (don't ask), but I messed up and finished third. SM was first due to glitch abuse, Jawzun came second due to half the glitches SM usd, and SJ came last because, well, I don't know.
Then I woke up and wanted to play StH.
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #47 on: April 28, 2009, 05:07:04 pm »
I dreamed I was walking on a highway and Sonic was running by.he caused a fast wind which made me fall into the water.(we were on a bridge which was part of the highway)Then,Eggman Came up and Said "You suck Bitch!" the rest was pretty much censored.

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #48 on: April 28, 2009, 09:54:44 pm »
If I dream, because I cannot create, I can only re-create, the book idea will not work.  If I was to generate a book, it'd be something rendered from my memory, not created out of what I'd want it to say. 

Let's say I wanted to read, say, The Three Musketeers.  I know the book, and it would be consistently inconsistent from the actual book.  I would read the text the way that my brain read the book.  I could look away, look back, and it'll be the same, because of the way I view books.

However, this is a case-based reason. 

Conversely, if I was to attempt to summon a book that did not exist, I would only summon a blank book with said title...  again, I'd be able to look away, look back, and the title would be the same.  This is because of the way in which I view books: Absolute, and concrete.  It's be totally empty, until I started writing it.  I suppose I could write a book in my dream and re-call it later, because of the way my mind works...

Perhaps this is an artifact of my literary orientation or my spending hours on message boards and in chatrooms and IMs, but my mind can create the gist of non-existent text the same it creates the gist of non-existent speech. I almost never have fake books in my sleep and most of the sources I've seen don't refer to books for that purpose. What they do refer to are signs or notes. Hypothetically, according to these sources, if you looked at a fairly involved text sign (something a bit more complex than "STOP"), looked away, and read it again, the text would have changed. I have not been able to verify this but I doubt it would apply to me due to the unique way I seem to process written text.

Then,Eggman Came up and Said "You suck Bitch!" the rest was pretty much censored.

I don't follow, do you mean because of profanity? Or uh, is this what it sounds like? O.o
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #49 on: April 29, 2009, 03:20:17 am »
Going to attempt to lucid up a dream diary this evening, to test my hypothesis tomorrow night... I wonder if it'll work?
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #50 on: April 29, 2009, 08:56:00 am »
Ever have a dream that you could not ever wake up from no matter what your body did to get you up? Well I once had one. It's like you are trapped in a dream and there is only a couple solutions to that. A: Something happens to you in the dream where you wake up right from Stage 3.5 Stage 3 is the mode of sleep before you go into REM and is the final stage of sleep that allows you can dream in. REM is stage four where you are pretty much paralyzed and you can barely to hardly to move your own muscles. 3.5 is the point where you are paralyzed in sleep while you are still dreaming things and you can't wake up from it because of REM sleep, you still are dreaming because of Stage 3. So you are pretty much paralyzed in sleep and still dreaming, therefore you can't awake yourself from it. Something else would have to wake you somehow. And the alarm clock might not work because I once was in deep sleep and the alarm went off and I couldn't hear it even though it is barely a foot from my bed.

I had two solutions to it: A: Something had to happen to you in the dream that makes you wake up from (Like dying, or something or having some strange fetish dream o_O)

or B: Someone else has to wake you somehow. Needles barely work because pain doesn't work during REM. For Pain  to work it would have to be something blunt like a hammer tap to your reflexes. If you are just below 3.5 it will work 50%-70% of the time. But if you are at 3.5 or higher than a tap will not affect the reflexes even if they do go off it won't affect you. You can't megaphone in someone's ear because, if my alarm cannot waken me a megaphone probably will not. a light bash could from a hammer might, (note that a bash is harder than a tap). But most likely you have to come up with something to get him/her out of it. Most likely Solution A will happen by the time Solution B will work. 

I know this had happened to me, because I could remember it when I woke. And repeating the information until it went into Long Term. 
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #51 on: May 02, 2009, 06:00:20 pm »
If I dream, because I cannot create, I can only re-create, the book idea will not work.  If I was to generate a book, it'd be something rendered from my memory, not created out of what I'd want it to say. 

Let's say I wanted to read, say, The Three Musketeers.  I know the book, and it would be consistently inconsistent from the actual book.  I would read the text the way that my brain read the book.  I could look away, look back, and it'll be the same, because of the way I view books.

However, this is a case-based reason. 

Conversely, if I was to attempt to summon a book that did not exist, I would only summon a blank book with said title...  again, I'd be able to look away, look back, and the title would be the same.  This is because of the way in which I view books: Absolute, and concrete.  It's be totally empty, until I started writing it.  I suppose I could write a book in my dream and re-call it later, because of the way my mind works...

Perhaps this is an artifact of my literary orientation or my spending hours on message boards and in chatrooms and IMs, but my mind can create the gist of non-existent text the same it creates the gist of non-existent speech. I almost never have fake books in my sleep and most of the sources I've seen don't refer to books for that purpose. What they do refer to are signs or notes. Hypothetically, according to these sources, if you looked at a fairly involved text sign (something a bit more complex than "STOP"), looked away, and read it again, the text would have changed. I have not been able to verify this but I doubt it would apply to me due to the unique way I seem to process written text.

Then,Eggman Came up and Said "You suck Bitch!" the rest was pretty much censored.

I don't follow, do you mean because of profanity? Or uh, is this what it sounds like? O.o
I mauled him.The maul was so violent,It had to be censored.

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #52 on: May 03, 2009, 09:34:53 am »
Going to attempt to lucid up a dream diary this evening, to test my hypothesis tomorrow night... I wonder if it'll work?

I can't remember what the book said exactly, but I saw it... I saw what I wrote in the book.  I wrote a number in the book, because I can remember numbers easier.  I just told my hand to write a number and I closed the book before waking up...

will the number be there when I dream next?
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #53 on: May 06, 2009, 01:03:14 am »
I could indeed see the book...  I remember chasing someone up an escalator, and after catching him, I had to chase his friend, but I couldn't, because of the wind (until I realized I was dreaming, in which case I just Jumped to the Left (Timewarp~) and I caught up with him...)

It was very bizarre...  I don't remember much, except that I wrote my birthday, backwards, in the book... not sure why, but that was the only thing in there
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #54 on: July 02, 2009, 04:34:54 am »
Yeah I'm fully aware thread necromancy is a sin, thanks. But this is a pro topic anyway and I feel like reviving it.

The previous night, I had some big complex dream that involved what I believe was a sakura tree. I don't remember the details at all at this point, I was tempted to write it down but I decided against it.

Anyway I'm going to try an experiment where I listen to a certain song, over and over, throughout the night and see if it influences my dream(s), assuming I can remember it/them.

The experimental song shall be: "The capital city of flowers in the sky," the stage 3 theme of Touhou 7. I dunno why. I just chose that. Blame my Touhou obsession.
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #55 on: July 02, 2009, 07:16:06 am »
I have the most bizarre forms of locomotion in my dreams...

I've ridden in the PS4 landrover

I've done the timewarp~

I've clicked my heels three times while repeating "there's no place like rome..."

and I've thrown a smokebomb, only to instantly appear 30 feet in the air... which was bad >_>
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #56 on: July 02, 2009, 10:56:55 am »
A few weeks ago I actually had a lucid dream. I don't remember what happened up to that point but all of a sudden I was like I CAN SEE THE CODE, brushed away the classmate I was talking to and the building I was in (both of which dissolved into white colour), flew above an unimpressive cityscape at night, unsuccessfully tried to see if I could meet someone I never met irl in my dream, somehow created an alien city in the hope it'd look surreal but it seemed like an untextured, low-poly thing from a crappy 3D game so I flew around some more, got bored, and woke up.
Then I remembered that in such a case I had always wanted to try and recreate my ideas for Sonic Zones to see how they'd look in 3D but too late :(

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #57 on: July 02, 2009, 11:03:06 am »
The only dreams I ever have are of real life with one very unusual difference.  Said difference varies per dream, but it's usually something very hard to notice out of place.  Like, my bedroom is backwards, or I see someone in class who isn't in that class.  And I tend not to remember them much anyways.
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #58 on: July 02, 2009, 11:51:46 am »

Anyway I'm going to try an experiment where I listen to a certain song, over and over, throughout the night and see if it influences my dream(s), assuming I can remember it/them.

The experimental song shall be: "The capital city of flowers in the sky," the stage 3 theme of Touhou 7. I dunno why. I just chose that. Blame my Touhou obsession.

I listen to music every night, and it doesn't seem to affect my dreaming (though I guess since a medley isn't focused around one single point I guess it wouldn't do much).
I think I'll either try listening to Airman Ga Tosenai (I can't defeat Airman) or maybe a Touhou song. Thanks for the idea.
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #59 on: July 02, 2009, 11:58:37 am »
My last lucid dream was a few nights ago, but nothing noteworthy happened so meh. The lapse in thought I had before actually becoming lucid was a bit funny, though.

The original dream was somehow related to NiGHTS (I'd gotten my Saturn working again earlier that day), so when a character in the dream asked me about something, I remember responding, "Just do it, it's all a dream." And as I walked off to do my own thing...


<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works


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